
Why Assess?

Our referrals commonly come through Paediatricians, GP's, schools and families themselves. All psychological assessments and interventions are provided with extensive knowledge of working with children and families. Through direct observation within the family home, consultation with parents and robust clinical assessment, our friendly child psychologists develop accurate clinical formulations that are detailed in a comprehensive psychological report. These reports summarise background & medical information, clinical observations and standardised test results and provide practical recommendations to parents and stakeholders such as supporting health professionals and schools. Our reports are legal documents and are accepted by the Disability Services Commission (DSC) Eligibility Team in instances where Intellectual Disability or Autism is identified.

We specialise in the following Assessment types:

Clinical / Diagnostic

1. Early Childhood / Developmental Assessment for infants 1 to 60 months

Duration: Approx. 2½ hrs


Medicare rebates are available for developmental assessment (children under the age of 13) for children who have one of a select few conditions. See the link below for a breakdown of which conditions are covered.

See: Better Start for Children with Disability initiative for more information.

2. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Assessment

Duration: More than one session is usually required (2-3 hrs) each


Medicare rebates are available for children under the age of 13 for ASD or other Pervasive Developmental Disorder Assessment

Under the Helping Children with Autism program, a child (under 13 years of age) can be referred by a consultant paediatrician or psychiatrist for the following allied health services:
up to four diagnostic / assessment services delivered by psychologists, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, audiologists, optometrists, orthoptists or physiotherapists to assist the referring practitioner with diagnosis or to contribute to a child's treatment and management plan. Up to four sessions are covered as part of the diagnostic process. Accordingly, a rebate of up to $339.2 can be claimed from Medicare as part of our assessment.

See: Helping Children with Autism program for more information.

3. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Assessment

Duration: Up to 4 sessions may be need and would include:

Academic / Educational

1. Educational assessments for children 5 years and above

2. Cognitive (IQ) & Adaptive Assessment for children older than 5 years

Duration: Approx. 2½ hrs


3. Developmental level & school readiness

4. Intellectual Disability

5. Specific Learning Disabilities including Dyslexia

6. Giftedness

Western Australian Psycholgy Services for Kids & Adults

Western Australian Psychology Services
Reception: 0466 059 505

ABN: 26 163 461 943 Website by Sixmile Design